Wednesday, May 5, 2010

at the vet for my ultrasound...

Mom and I are sitting in the car. I have free roam if the car, the AC is on and mom brought my FAVORITE kittie treats, Temptations! She says we're here so that the travelling ultrasound lady vet can do an ultrasound of my tummy!

Mom and my vet thought it would be a good idea to stay in a place I know until they were ready for me! So we are sitting in my car! I know my car- has kitty toys, water and a soft place to sleep!

Hopefully the ultrasound lady will be here soon! I'm having the ultrasound because I'm still losing weight! My poop is better because of my B12 shots ( the vet stole my blood last week to check my cobalamine/folate levels and they didn't give my blood back!) now my vet wants to rule out something bad! So please cross your paws that the pictures of my insides are clean!!



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1 comment:

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Our paws are crossed for you.