Thursday, June 24, 2010

How To Stop a Siamese from crying at 4:30am every morning!

How? Why?

Mom is a little exhausted! Skye, the newest addition and mom's first Siamese since she was 6 or 7 years old, cries every morning at 4:30am. It's like mom's alarm clock- except she will not get up that early! The rest of us know that when mom's alarm goes off that it's our time but Skye doesn't or hasn't figured that out! Mom will go grab her and snuggles with her in bed and she stops.. But she's wondering if any other Siamese owners have any ideas. Mom knows cats- she thinks she's hungry or she could have an upset tummy like Winton used to (he would get pepcid ac at night) but she's also wondering if it's a Siamese "thing"... Please help our mom!

-the quiet ones: Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom

Posted from Blogium for iPhone


Kea said...

No idea. We get our human up anywhere between 3AM and 4AM, 4AM being the latest, 365 days a year without fail. But we don't cry to do it. :-P

The Meezers or Billy said...

our the mom says it's a siamese thing prolly. She says that Sammy did it when he was little, and Miles did it when he was little, and Nicky does it now (still). She will snuggle efurryone for a few minutes and then if they don't settle down the get put out of the room until the alarm clock goes off. Nicky is slowly learning to quiet down until later.

Ivan from WMD said...

It's even a half-a-siamese thing! Caroline cries and cries and cries--oops, I mean talks and talks and talks--in the middle of the night without any regard for the time. In her case, I think she just likes to hear herself talk!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We can't offer any help as none of us do that. In our case, we even occasionally get up AFTER #1!

The Chans

The Island Cats said...

We don't know but those Siamese can be really noisy!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Ooops, she has somebody trained. Our mewmie says as long as she doesn't blink an eye, we let her sleep. We also let her go back to bed on the weekends, too. But during the night...we do tend to step on her face and lick her under the covers and wake her up...

Anonymous said...

i thinks it is a siamese thing. i has heard about that a lot when it comes to meezers. it is also a bengal thing, just so's you know. it drives my mommeh totally crazypants, but she has to deal wif it cause it is something i just likes to do!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Humans love the quiet ones that let them sleep. But they love the noisy ones too.